The easy way to design sprinkler systems according to VDS guidelines and FM standards

With this independent building module, you can easily design sprinkler systems in accordance with VDS guidelines and FM standards.
Connection routines for comb and double-comb layouts as well as a free connection function are included to support your 3D design. You can use predefined filters, such as the maximum area covered per sprinkler, maximum wall distance and minimum wall distance to verify the placement of sprinklers.
The calculation can be performed using IDAT’s WinSprink software. You can use it to perform the hydraulic calculations for pipe networks entered in TRICAD MS right away.
You can also opt to create the production isometrics for the pipeline network using the ISO X add-on module.
The Report Manager, which is available as an add-on module, allows you to create freely definable bills of materials and export them to Excel, for example. You specify which information in the TRICAD MS Info Dialog should be evaluated for each component.