Design and evaluate water supply and waste water systems along with other liquids in 2D and 3D

This building module enables you to design and evaluate water supply and waste water systems along with other liquids in 2D and 3D
Take advantage of design features that include gravity flow and intersection of gravity flow lines. Design complete pipe bundles with different materials, dimensions and gravity flows. Use the autorouting tool for intersection. Export bills of quantities to Excel and create production isometrics using the ISO X add-on module.
The report manager, which is available as an additional module, allows you to create freely definable parts lists and export them to Excel, for example. You specify which information in the TRICAD MS Info Dialog should be evaluated for each component.
Use TRICAD MS with the corresponding add-on module by SOLAR-COMPUTER for the bidirectional design of drinking water networks and drainage networks. All calculations are carried out in accordance with the current standards in the SOLAR-COMPUTER programs “Drinking water installation DIN 1988-300” (order no. S89) and “Drainage DIN 1986-100” (order no, S86).